Held on June 11, 2024


The meeting was called to order by Supervisor, Donald Becker at 7pm.
Present: Anderson, Gehris, Becker, McAlindon
Absent: Zimmermann

Moved by McAlindon, Seconded by Gehris, CARRIED to approve the minutes from May 14, 2024 meeting, as printed.

Treasurer’s Report:
Gehris went over fund sheets for General Fund and Water Department.
May 2024
General Fund
Income $16726.51 Disbursements $29231.14
Balance on Hand $51276.22
Water Department
Income $60436.94 Disbursements $79696.55
Balance on Hand $24696.80
Moved by Anderson, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to receive the Treasurer’s Report, subject to audit.

Zoning Report:
Vinson was unavailable for the meeting. He did state that he is working on several issues.

Assessor’s Report:
Landry was unavailable for the meeting. She sent an email stating that everything has been turned over to the County and she has signed the tax roll for summer taxes. Field audits will be starting soon, and she has sent out postcards to those people that are being audited.

Fire Authority Report:
Nothing new

Sims-Whitney Utilities Authority Report:
Joint Water Agreement is finished.
AT&T Tower Rent issue
Employee contracts are going to be negotiated in June.

Sims Whitney Cemetery/Transfer Station Report:
Flags were done on May 20 for Memorial Day.
Gehris has sent out a letter to the Condo Association to inform them that they will be getting assessed the garbage fee on their winter taxes.

Public Comment:
*Mr. Collier came about Delano Rd ditch issue. He made a complaint about S. Gingerich blocking the ditch on Delano Rd.
*EGLE has allowed for the cleaning out of the Delano Rd ditch, but the Township has spent all the money they can on roads for this year.
*S. Gingerich stated that the property on Delano Rd in question has been wet for as long as he has lived here. He also feels that some illegal activity has gone on with the property, like a building being built without permits, etc.
*Mr. Tarkington came to see if the Township would reimburse him for some of the money he spent when he had his meter pit installed. He had the Authority employees out to his property several times to check the pit, because he had bad water pressure and each time the employees went there they didn’t find anything wrong with the pit. The last time the employees came out they found that the old Saginaw Midland valve had been shut off and they opened it back up. The employees told him that they don’t shut those valves off anymore, because they are not used anymore and that his plumber must have turned it off. He spent almost $780.00 to have a hole dug by Bilacic to check the valves and he wants some of his money back, if possible, because he feels that the employees didn’t do their job.
Moved by McAlindon, Seconded by Becker, CARRIED pending a discussion with the Authority employees to issue a partial refund to Mr. Tarkington for the excavating bill.
*Dennis Stawowy came to introduce himself to the public. He is retiring from being the County Treasurer and is running for Road Commission instead. He is endorsing Sherlyn Burkhardt for County Treasurer. She has been working for him in the Treasurer’s office for a few years and has a good handle on doing the job. Sherlyn has taken many trainings in doing the Treasurer’s job, as well. The Road Commission term is 6 years.
*Duane Hadley came to introduce himself as a candidate for County Sheriff. He talked about all the things he would like to do as Sheriff if he were elected.

Old Business:
Delano Rd and Van Horn Rd- Delano Rd has already been discussed.
Van Horn Rd- the Road Commission is going to hold a public hearing about converting it from seasonal to County status, but no date has been set yet.

New Business:
Garbage Fee Increase Update- do we need a public hearing about raising the fee or not? The fee is going to go from $55.00/year to $125.00/year. The Board decided to have a public hearing and set the date for June 27th at 5pm, it needs to be advertised in the Arenac Independent.

Water Meter Replacement- The meters that are 1 1/2“ are going to cost the Township $2500.00 to $3000.00 each to replace, do we want to do all of them? There are 1 1/2” meters at the old hardware property, Crystal Sands Resort, and Whitestone Condos according to K. Dewald.
The Board asked if the hardware meter could be replaced with a smaller size meter.
Moved by Anderson, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to pay for the Whitestone Condo and Crystal Sands meters to be replaced at this time.

Pay the Bills:
Moved by Becker, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to pay the bills and any that come in later.

Moved by Anderson, Seconded by Becker, CARRIED to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm.




Kimberly Anderson
Whitney Township Clerk