Held on July 9, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor, Donald Becker at 7pm.
Present: McAlindon, Anderson, Zimmermann, Gehris, Becker
Absent: None
Moved by McAlindon, Seconded by Gehris, CARRIED to approve the June 11, 2024 minutes, as printed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gehris went over fund sheets for General Fund and Water Department.
June 2024
General Fund
Income $57133.06 Disbursements $450027.32
Balance on Hand $63381.96
Water Department
Income $62707.61 Disbursements $30919.80
Balance on Hand $56484.61
Moved by Anderson, Seconded by Zimmermann, CARRIED to receive the Treasurer’s Report, subject to audit.
Zoning Report:
*There have been requests for the Township to put the Zoning Ordinance on the website.
*He has four garages and one trailer that need to be demolished, due to structural issues.
*Ten blight issues that he is working on.
*Short Term Rentals are becoming an issue again.
*There have been a few complaints about properties with long grass, but we do not have a noxious weed ordinance. The Township may need to consider looking into passing one.
*There is someone with three hoists on the beach and obstructing the beach.
Assessor’s Report:
Board of Review meeting is on July 17, 2024 at 11am.
Primary Resident Exemption audit is done.
Inspections are being done and she has not had any problems, so far.
Fire Authority Report:
Nothing to report
Sims-Whitney Utilities Authority Report:
Budget is passed and contract are ready for the employees to sign.
Sims Whitney Cemetery/Transfer Station Report:
Fees have to be increased to keep the Transfer Station running.
Columbarium is up at the Cemetery.
There is an issue with the recycling at the Transfer Station, people are not putting the stuA in the
right containers and even dumping trash in the recycling container.
Public Comment:
Sherlyn Burkhardt came to introduce herself to the Board and any residents in attendance at the meeting. She is running for County Treasurer on the August Ballot. She is currently working for the County Treasurer’s Office under Dennis Stawowy and has taken many classes to gain knowledge about the Treasurer’s job. She has worked for the County in some capacity for 26 years.
She would like everyone to vote for her in August.
Edmonds Road seasonal section is in bad shape right now and something needs to be done. Anderson will check with the Road Commission tomorrow.
Old Business:
Van Horn Rd- the public hearing date has not been set yet.
Water Meter Replacement- hardware meter cannot be down-sized because it would lead to more expense.
The two meters the Board approved last month will be replaced.
Tarkington Water Issue – Moved by McAlindon,
to reimburse Mr. Tarkington the $786,11 for the trouble he had with his water pressure and having to have the Authority Employees come out multiple times before it was fixed. Motion Died due to lack of a second.
Moved by Gehris, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to reimburse Mr. Tarkington $612.50 for water issue.
Public Hearing Date and Time- July 26, 2024 at 5pm there will be a public hearing on the garbage fee increase. The fee is going from $55.00 to $120.00.
New Business:
Water Rate Increase- We are at $84.00 ready to serve fee and $5.93 per thousand gallons of water.
Gehris suggests that we raise the per thousand rate to $6.05, we were told when we had the rate study done that we should be raising the rates every year to help cover costs.
Moved by Gehris, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to increase the per thousand rate to $6.05.
Mackinaw Joint Road Project- we applied for a 2% grant for graveling Mackinaw Road north of TurnerRoad, because it has not had any work done to it, as far as anyone on the Boards in Whitney or Turner Township knows. We should follow through on the project even though we have spent all our road money for the year, because we did say we would do the project.
Moved by McAlindon, Seconded by Zimmermann, CARRIED to go ahead with the project and the Board will need to watch so that we do not spend as much on road next year to cover the added expense of the project.
Delano Road Ditching- the Road Commission mentioned that they were going to come out and clean around the tubes on the Township property to see if that helps with water flow.
P. Cardinal came in late and wanted to know if she could ask the Board to have some dirt brought in to level her yard from when some work was done on her yard several years ago. This project was done when Fran Semenick was still in office.
Pay the Bills:
Moved by Becker, Seconded by Zimmerman, CARRIED to pay the bills and any that come in later.
Moved by Anderson, Seconded by Gehris, CARRIED to adjourn at 8:10pm.
Kimberly Anderson
Whitney Township Clerk
November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
Special Meeting 9/2/2021
August 2021
Special Meeting 8/24/2021
July 2021
Special Meeting 6/29/2021
Special Meeting 6/25/2021
Special Meeting 6/16/2021
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April 2021
Special Meeting 3/17/2021
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