Held on September 10, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor, Donald Becker at 7pm.
Present: Becker, Zimmermann, McAlindon, Anderson
Absent: Gehris
Moved by McAlindon, Seconded by Zimmermann, CARRIED to approve the minutes from the September 13, 2024 meeting, as printed.
There was a Public Hearing held on September 9, 2024, which was also posted as a Special Meeting of the Township Board, minutes were not available as of meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gehris was absent, so Anderson gave the Treasurer’s Report for General Fund and Water Department.
August 2024
General Fund
Income $48019.36 Disbursements $44206.68
Balance on Hand $37199.48
Water Department
Income $40337.82 Disbursements $28177.59
Balance on Hand $73827.21
Moved by Zimmermann, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to receive the Treasurer’s Report, subject to audit.
Zoning Report:
Certified letters were mailed out to 12 or 13 people about blight issues. Vinson said that most people have already cleaned up their issues.
There was a question about docks, which are handled by the Army Corp of Engineers or EGLE.
There was a question about a house doing short term rental, but the address was unknown on the house in question.
There was a Public Hearing Last night for Site Plan Review/Special Exception Use Permit for storage building project near the Singing Bridge.
Assessor’s Report:
Nothing new
Fire Authority Report:
Ladder truck will be paid off soon and money that was set aside to make payments that isn’t used will go to make payments on the new tanker truck that was ordered. The new truck will be here in approximately 20 plus months give or take.
Sims-Whitney Utilities Authority Report:
There have been several issues with the plant, which are either fixed or in the process of being fixed.
There were a couple of bigger meters changed in Whitney Township and a large leak was found in Whitney, also.
Sims Whitney Cemetery/Transfer Station Report:
September 26, 2024 is the next meeting at 7pm at Sims Township Hall.
There was a new weed whacker and leaf blower purchased for the Transfer Station.
Public Comment:
J. Schnettler from the AuGres Youth League was here to ask for support for the grant they are applying for through the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe 2% Distribution. They are writing the grant with the City of AuGres but would like support from the surrounding Townships. The Township Board would just have to say yes or no to the project.
Moved by McAlindon, Seconded by Zimmermann, CARRIED to give support to the project. S. Gingerich asked if the Township would consider giving the resident at 287 N Huron Rd more time to clean up her property, since she doesn’t own most of the items in question. He was told there would have to be a discussion had with the Zoning Administrator about this topic.
E Swartz asked about having longer hours at the Transfer Station for people who work and cannot make it during the current hours.
Old Business:
Roads- Is the Township going to do another mowing on the sides of the road?
Moved by Anderson, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to approve a second mowing of the roadsides.
Generator- the new generator went in on August 24th
.New Business:
Water Meter Replacement at the Township Hall- the meter needs to be replaced just like all the other meters in the Township were.
Moved by Zimmermann, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to replace the meter at the Township Hall.
Appointment of New Planning Commission Member- Kal Jones has agreed to be on the Planning Commission, we just need the Township Board to approve the appointment.
Moved by Becker, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to approve the appointment of Kal Jones to the Planning Commission.
New Water Billing Program- There is a new company that we found for water bills. The company is out of Utah and the cost of the program is $5500.00/year with a set up charge of $3500.00 for the initial set up of the program. The other programs that we have looked at are significantly more than this program. There was a question about what browser can be used on the customer side of the
program. The Board decided to table this discussion until next month. Mosquito Control Mileage Rate- The Board needs to decide what we are going to put on the L-4029 for Mosquito Control for the December bills. We collected the whole 2 mils last year, but we could lower it for this year, but what to? The Board decided to go to 1 mil for the December tax bills. No motion was needed.
Cement Quote- the owner of the company I spoke with came out and measured the areas that we are looking to replace. He has sent a quote of $6759.38 for all the areas we were looking to replace.
Moved by Becker, Seconded by McAlindon, CARRIED to approve the quote for the cement work.
Website Quotes- There were 2 quotes received for the new website, but one didn’t come in until Monday afternoon, so the Board didn’t have time to review the quotes. The Board will discuss next month after everyone gets a chance to review the quotes more closely.
2% Grant- What is the Township going to apply for this cycle? We will apply again for money to do a joint road project with Turner Township, the new website, and upgrading the outdoor lighting if the other quote comes in before the deadline.
Pay the Bills:
Moved by McAlindon, Seconded by Becker, CARRIED to pay the bills and any that come in later.
Moved by Anderson, Seconded by Zimmermann, CARRIED to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm.
Kimberly Anderson
Whitney Township Clerk
November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
Special Meeting 9/2/2021
August 2021
Special Meeting 8/24/2021
July 2021
Special Meeting 6/29/2021
Special Meeting 6/25/2021
Special Meeting 6/16/2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
Special Meeting 3/17/2021
March 2021
February 2021
January 2021